1.Cut-off The maximum length of sheet that can be printed on a web press and equivalent dto the circumference of its impression cylinder .
2.Note that you may not wish to do this as the maximum length of a password may be of use to hackers who are trying to guess the password.
3.Unless otherwise noted, the number of characters parsed may be from zero to the implementation-defined maximum length of a counted string.
4.In a nutshell, facets further restrict a simple type by specifying the maximum length of a string or the upper and lower limits of a number.
5.This class can be used to specify a restriction on the maximum length of the data value of a simpleType element.
6.The resulting length of this descriptor cannot be greater than its maximum length otherwise the function raises a USER 23 panic.
7.If you see an overflow counter (through the use of netstat -s), setting a maximum length of this queue can help fix the overflow.
8.During queue creation, the user must specify the maximum length of the queue and the maximum size of an inpidual message.
9.Reads the contents of the current node into a string with a given maximum length.
10.From there it passed to southern Japan and across the Pacific Ocean, where it would reach its maximum length of six minutes and 29 seconds.